Comment on possible arrangements

A comparison between the two most commonly used methods of developing a project completing design first and letting a contract for construction, or adopting a D&B contract are given in Table 2.1. The advantages and


required. Also, the choice between the two systems shown, and between them and all the other procedures described in this chapter depend on the promoters resources, nature of business, and the restraints imposed on him by such as the need to conform with government rules, EC Directives, or his financial backers requirements. In general, however, most types of arrangement can work satisfactorily if the contractors prices are adequate, he is efficient and treated fairly, and the promoter specifies clearly what he wants and does not indulge in over-many changes.
The promoter who is able to plan well in advance so that he can define exactly what he wants and can give his designers adequate time to complete their work, will usually get best value for money. Acontractor who tenders for works that have been designed in all essentials and which are not subsequently altered, will usually be able to give a good price and fast construction.
Time spent ensuring adequate site investigations, full working out of the best designs, and careful production of contract documents, is the best guarantee that construction of a project will be trouble-free, on time and to budget.

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